
The us within us is decoded when we stop being the us we feel it is! 

For every moment we choose the us which we think to be the true us we deviate from what the authentic one is. All our life we are conditioned to tame our true self and be the socially desirable version of ours. The conditioning however happens because it is tougher for everyone of us to come face to face with our authentic selves. It puts in a lot of acceptance, love, courage and unconditionality to accept ourselves for what we are. To gather all the broken pieces, to mend them all and love that each piece for whatever shape and size it comes in needs a lot of courage and to walk with all of it unmasked and naked takes bravery. 

Life is about finding the parted us and on this journey of deciphering us we get concealed with the versions of us which our social sphere believes we are. 

Initially we learn to understand that those opinions are opinions and not our truth, however, as we grow to be a complex being we fail to strike the difference between the opinions and the truth. It is the first strike to our separation from self. 

In the process of accepting this social us we often fail to take stands for us and trust our authentic us. We do this to be in the game, to be wanted, to feel less abandoned, to feel less rejected and to feel included. Though we continue to choose the plastically coated version of us, we have continued to feel the ache of the parting from our heart and our brain. 

The constant unconscious feeling of being separated from ourselves is massive enough for us to finally choose us over everything that is not us!

It is time we all outgrow hatred, anger, disgust, hurt and pain which we have deeply buried for every time we didn’t choose ourselves. It is time we choose unconditional positive regard and be gentle on ourselves now. 

Let us be the love! 

Let us be us! 

There might be scars on your soul, I agree 

There might be aches, I agree 

The stains might still be wet, I agree 

The wounds might still be red, I agree 

The pains might even be unbearable, I agree 

There might be no one to protect you, I agree 

There might be no one to soothe you, I agree 

There have been times, 

You couldn’t protect yourself, I agree 

You couldn’t stand for yourself, I agree 

You hate yourself for all of this, I agree on this too. 

I am ready to agree it all for you 

Only if you agree that 

Your scars can still be healed, 

Your aches can still be cured, 

Your stains can still be oiled, 

Your wounds can still be stitched, 

And you can still be loved too!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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