
Since the onset of the cosmic phenomenon of ‘Big Bang’ from which our cute ‘Cosmos’ got churned out of the colossal ‘Chaos’, struggle for existence has been the adventurous course of life for every living being.

Be it for our daily sustenance or basic needs and amenities or eking out a living as well as further propelled by trials and tribulations in a bid to secure economic growth along with a savings for meeting conveniently our contingencies, even the insects like the tiny ant labour harder by evolving out ways and means for the unprecedented lean, dry or rainy periods ahead that are inevitable

Notwithstanding that, timely and well-calibrated booster dose from a sensible and empathetic hand during the dry spells is found out to be a “Manna from Heaven”..

According to the Holy Bible, “Manna (Mana)” is an edible substance which  God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert during the 40-year period following the Exodus and prior to the conquest of Canaan.

Let’s discuss here about the fate of the farmers – peasants or sharecroppers or even the farm labourforce. Because, India has been an agrarian economy since a majority of its populace depends on farming and agriculture; be it crops, animal husbandry or dairy or other subsidiaries that prop up the economic backbone backing up the strugglers to lead a dignified life and meet the emergent expenses.

Researchers in this field of farming have discovered that the generous gesture, shown by certain multinational firms (MNCs) with expertise and capital capsules (monetary support) as well as lending various other requisite supports till marketing of the produce, has been bearing fruit.

It’s not only nurturing the ruffled feathers of the faming class to fly up fearlessly, but also yielding fruit of profit to both the helping-hand and the helped-lots.

Thus,  the experts in money matters term such an exercise as ‘good business’ because it toes the proverbial line: “Live and let others live.”

As per reports already published, MNC like Bayer (seen as a global leader in life sciences) has been into such a venture tied up with both private and public sector organizations as well as  NGOs in a bid to pump in fresh elixir of life among certain marginal, small and needy farmers of India, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Even, millions of livestock owners and dairy farmers of Southeast Mexico and Central America are reaping the benefits.

Thus, it may be deduced here that “crying over the spilt milk” won’t solve the problem. Better it would be if “survival of the fittest” bent of mind is made up and the belt is tightened up accordingly.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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