As if it was for Nostradamus, the French physicist — Crystal glass watcher — some 700 years ago to make prophecy about the ominous 21st century and more precisely about the years 2021 and 2022.
Starting from Wuhan and spreading its tentacles all over the world, the Covid pandemic has killed more people than in World War 1 and World War 2 combined. World War 3 may have had already begun in August-September 2019.
The bio-weapon, which it appears is, exposed the whole world to an extremely dangerous consequence.
Its infiltration, the onslaught, the intensity and its magnitude, methods to deal with it, preventive and curative both, have left people gasping for breath with their near and dear ones lying dead wrapped up in plastic bags. As if that was not enough, Vladimir Putin, the KGB spy, virtually made himself the head of Russia for life. It certified the age old saying that an undeserving and unfit man in a powerful post could play havoc!
After the 2nd World War and dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the whole world had carefully preserved the delicate balance between different power centres, barring a few wars in the Middle East and South East Asia, the situation was more or less under control.
It appears that the ego and the greed for mineral rich, oil, gas & coal rich, fertile land of Ukraine and to divert the attention of the local population, especially from the poisoning of Alexei Navalny and his supporters, Putin had created the smokescreen of fake security threat.
The narrative of Putin that the security of Russia was threatened by the NATO and the neutral countries trying to join it was nothing more than a ruse. Especially keeping in mind that Russia is the biggest and most powerful nuclear nation in this region while others are no match for it. His logic is simply unacceptable!
Ultimately the whole issue boils down to the plain and simple greed and bloated egos. Pseudo-intellectualism and greed are Communist’s most prevalent mindset, misguiding the gullible population and later using them for their own ends at their will.
Ukraine has mines of more than 250 rare minerals, which include lithium and uranium, gold, oil, natural gas, coal, and fertile land that feeds the world with sunflower oil and the food grains – 6% of world supply.
It also had the most modern infrastructure for manufacturing military hardwares for tanks and aircrafts.
Putin having bombarded and flattened most of the major cities and the industrial hubs of Ukraine has created an innumerable immeasurable humanitarian crisis. With 60 lacs Ukrainians mostly women and children having ran away and taken shelter in the neighbouring countries like Poland, Hungary and Romania, many of its cities in the north, east and south have turned ghost towns.
President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, denied of the NATO membership and open support, was successful in creating a mass appeal, an emotional one in the West through his fervent requests and addresses to the EU, UN and many countries, some of them with NATO affiliations.
Unlike Africa and Southeast Asia Ukraine is very much part of the Europe. The bodies Ukrainians soldiers and civilians littered all around major cities like Bucha, Mariupole, Donask, Kharkiv etc. have shocked the European nations as well as the entire world. But Putin like a soldier gone berserk is not listening to anyone, be it the German chancellor, French President Macron or Antonio Guterres, Secretary General, UN .
Fearing an unpredictable aggression of Putin, the Finland and Sweden have also opted for the membership of the NATO. The US and many European countries like the UK, Czechoslovakia, Finland etc. have started supplying the most modern weaponry to Ukraine to defend its freedom.
The inhuman manslaughter exceeding the definition of genocide has created a huge wave of sympathy for Ukraine all over the world. Many of the countries have imposed strong financial Social and Diplomatic sanctions against Russia.
The sanction resulted in banning of hundreds of diplomats of Russia ,300 Plus MNCs leaving Russia inflation rate going as high as 30% – supply chain having been affected and huge loss of military equipment and soldiers apart from image loss. Russian military Commanders must have assured Putin to overrun Ukraine in a week’s time but now with almost 60 days gone
and huge loss of men and materials severely bruised Vladimir Putin stands branded as War Criminal with their prestigious ship ” Muskva” sunk under black sea.
This story of Genocide and manslaughter is second to none in the annals of world history. It has not only created an unimaginable level of humanitarian crisis but also put the entire Europe and NATO countries under the threat of Russia.
Entire Ukraine has been converted into rubble and the scale of devastation is simply unimaginable.
Not only Ukrainian President Zelensky but also US President Joe Biden has designated Putin as a war criminal after watching the genocide of residents of Bucha Kharkiv and many other cities. As if that was not enough the European countries have started supplying Ukraine with the most modern weapons missile systems anti missile systems anti-aircraft guns ship anti-ship missiles drones and Laser weapons. These have given considerable jolt to Russian armed divisions and Columns from advancing . Their ships in the Black Sea have become sitting ducks . The the latest attack on the ship of Russia Muskva has infuriated Putin to the extent that he has revived his threat of Nuclear attack on Ukrain sixth time – five already given in the past.
Russia has some 10000 atomic weapons and it has activated its nuclear command. It has already flown its fighter jets armed with Atom bombs over Ukrain and Finland.
Sensing the threat to Ukraine and many other European Nations United States and Great Britain have also activated their Nuclear commands in Europe and elsewhere.
It it is very difficult to imagine if these actions can deter Putin from dropping atomic bombs on the major cities of Ukraine — Kyiv, Kharkiv and Mariupol…!
With most of the countries of Europe having been on alert Ukraine has become a theatre of testing the modern weaponry of West against the traditional and modern weapons of Russia in an independent and unprotected country like Ukraine.This is the traditional methodology of Europe and US all over the World not only for the purpose of sales but also for the development of the new kinds of weapons and new strategies of aggression and defence.
Entire Ukraine having been shattered and the Russian economy gone to dogs it most likely appears that there is possibility of WW III in offing in its most traditional sense.
Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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