It may so happen in our lives that an ecstatic and successful life comes crashing down, all at once. Even when practically nothing has changed, we start to feel empty. Something seems out of alignment.
The sense of achievement or success is lost; everything accomplished so far appears inconsequential. We suddenly begin to perceive a void, gradually growing, threatening to engulf us any moment.
With time, it only gets more confusing. The hurt and the pain are very much evident, yet we utterly fail to assign a cause for this torment.
Some of us vent out our anger and disappointment on the people we come across. We begin to make changes in our lives in a desperate attempt to resolve the cause of suffering; we change jobs, buy expensive things, cheat on our partners, and appease ourselves with all kinds of self-indulgent activities.
At times, to some of us, the easiest way comes in the form of denial. We begin to find ways to escape reality; and drown ourselves in alcohol, antidepressants, pain killers, drug abuse, anything or everything which can provide momentary relief.
Not being judgemental about the right or the wrong way of resolving the issue, everyone tries to find a solution they deem the best. But, every choice brings consequences that may not always be incongruent with our expectations.
This situation is termed a quarter-life/mid-life crisis or an existential crisis. Whatever the term, it refers to a condition where a person feels trapped, uninspired, and disillusioned while suffering from loss of self-confidence, general anxiety, loss of identity, and so on.
Lucky are those who have this realization sooner, while they still have time to accommodate changes and re-align their lives. On the other hand, few of us only realize at the far end of our lives or after their retirement that they have led a life bereft of their values and principles. This sudden onslaught of emotions leaves us with an identity crisis. Most people see that they are nothing much without their jobs, and when it is taken away, they do not know what to do anymore. They are left with a throbbing awareness that they have been climbing the wrong mountain.
Then another bunch of people blame it on their relationships and indulge in any or all forms of indiscretions, in an awful attempt to fix everything wrong with their lives.
It needs no emphasis on the part that we are spiritual beings on the earth for a specific purpose. Similar to an ambassador sent on a mission to a foreign nation, who may accomplish thousands of things, but in the end, if he/she fails to fulfil that specifically assigned task; it is good as having done nothing. This realization at the soul level is what is responsible for all the awry things going on within us.
Having a career or being in a relationship that is not in alignment with our higher purpose will always keep us pinging. We feel we are overdoing/giving more than we bargained for, and are constantly left exhausted. The job will seem to be soul-sucking, and in the case of relationships, our partners will seem like an energy vampire.
Diving a little deeper! Each one of us is blessed in excess in certain things like natural gifts, talents, wealth, health, love, etc. It is our responsibility to give it away or spread these for the benefit of others/society.
One more thing which we need to be clear about is that we cannot give from something in which we are deficient. We work the best when we give/operate from the position of abundance. Anything or anyone who doesn’t align with our higher purpose; will spoil the delicate balance and hence the turmoil.
The so-called crisis can be attributed to the soul, where the soul is malnourished and is out of harmony.
In our multifaceted existence as a soul and an incarnate on earth; it takes balance and harmony at all levels for our well-being. Any disparity at any level leaves us misaligned, and this needs to be rectified, to resolve the root cause.
Let’s not be that person who realizes only at the end that they have been climbing the wrong mountain all along. To ensure this, we need to determine our soul’s values, strengths and re-access our priorities, while constantly re-aligning with our higher selves.
Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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