
In the 1960s, The Beatles descended upon India to learn transcendental meditation at the feet of the ‘Giggling Guru’, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Now, having got a non-white, non-Christian, history-making PM, a Maha Rishi of another sort, Britain needs to brush up on its IQ – its India Quotient.

Despite having come uninvited to India – which wasn’t India then – and ruled for 200 odd years, the British, by and large, don’t know much about things Indian, apart from the faux-subcontinental Chicken Tikka Masala.

But with the advent of an Indian take-away of a different kind in the form of ‘Dishy Rishi’, Joe Bloggs, and Jane Bloggs, might feel induced to check a few FAQs about their PM’s supposed country of origin.

First of all they might discover that Hindu is not a language – Golly! – but a religion which many Indians belong to, as does Rishi. The British may think being Hindu is being a devotee of the Dalai Lama. Or, maybe of the Aga Khan? Whichever. Being a Hindu – and a very devout and photo-op one at that – Rishi does not imbibe alcohol.

So what do Hindus drink? Bottled water from the sacred Ganges? But as the story goes, more Scotch is sold in India than is produced in Scotland. What happens to it? India keeps talking about a ‘foreign hand’. Maybe there’s also a ‘foreign mouth’ which drinks it all.

Another thing about Indians. While in India they’re not Indians. They’re Punjabi, or Gujarati, or Tamil, or Bengali. But when they leave India, as Rishi’s grandparents did for Africa, they become Indians. If they become famous, like Rishi, then in India they’re seen as being even more Indian, and their Indianness is much talked and written about.

Perhaps it’s got something to do with jugaad, a mystical quality that all Indians, living in and out of the country, are supposed to have.

What’s jugaad? Something to do with yoga? Maybe. It’s a knack of pulling rabbits out of a hat. Even when there are no rabbits. Or a hat.

Let’s hope Rishi’s jugaad can get Britain out of its economic and political mess. Keep calm, don’t get the vindaloo up, and curry on regardless.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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